Phaseolus vulgaris G19833 genome v2.1

Genome Overview
Analysis NamePhaseolus vulgaris G19833 genome v2.1
MethodPacBio (FALCON)
Date performed2019-09-17

This genome was provided by JGI and the Phaseolus Genome Sequencing Project.  The primary repository is JGI-Phytozome.  This genome has been provided pre-publication, and use of this data is restricted.  By accessing these data, you agree not to publish any articles containing analyses of genes or genomic data on a whole genome or chromosome scale prior to publication by JGI and/or its collaborators of a comprehensive genome analysis ("Reserved Analyses").  Please see the JGI website for more details.  As a result, the ability to download the provided data from PCD has been restricted, and once the genome is published data will become available to download. 

The Joint Genome Institute provides these data in good faith, but makes no warranty, expressed or implied, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for any purpose for which the data are used. Once the sequence is moved to unreserved status, the data will be freely available for any subsequent use.


About the assembly (from JGI):

Scaffold total 478 
Scaffold sequence total  537.2 Mb
Scaffold L50 (N50) 49.7 Mb (5)
Contig total 1,044
Contig sequence total 531.6 Mb
Contig L50 (N50) 1.9 Mb (73)



Phaseolus vulgaris G19833, Genome Assembly v2.1 Files:

To download the genome assembly and annotation files, visit the JGI project website.  The data is pre-publication and not available for bulk download on PCD.

Please see the PCD Data Repository for data available on PCD, or click on links below.

Homology Analysis Results: