Vigna unguiculata L. Walp IT97K-499-35 genome v1.2

Genome Overview
Analysis NameVigna unguiculata L. Walp IT97K-499-35 genome v1.2
MethodPacBio, BioNano maps (Assembly Canu v1.3)
SourceJGI Phytozome
Date performed2024-07-03

The genome was sequenced and assembled as outlined in Liang Q, Muñoz-Amatriaín M, Shu S, Lo S, Wu X, Carlson JW, Davidson P, Goodstein DM, Phillips J, Janis NM, Lee EJ, Liang C, Morrell PL, Farmer AD, Xu P, Close TJ, Lonardi S. A view of the pan-genome of domesticated Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.). The plant genome. 2023 Mar 22; e20319.

About the assembly:

Number of scaffolds 686
Total size  519 Mb
N50 41,684,185 bp
Assembly BUSCO score (embryophyta_odb10) 98.6%
Annotation BUSCO score (embryophyta_odb10) 98.9%
Functional Analysis

Functional annotation files for the Vigna unguiculata L. Walp IT97K-499-35 genome v1.2 are available for download below. The Vigna unguiculata L. Walp IT97K-499-35 genome v1.2 proteins were analyzed using InterProScan in order to assign InterPro domains and Gene Ontology (GO) terms. Pathways analysis was performed using the KEGG Automatic Annotation Server (KAAS).


GO assignments from InterProScan Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2_genes2GO.xlsx.gz
IPR assignments from InterProScan Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2_genes2IPR.xlsx.gz
Proteins mapped to KEGG Orthologs Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2_KEGG-orthologis.xlsx.gz
Proteins mapped to KEGG Pathways Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2_KEGG-pathways.xlsx.gz

The Vigna unguiculata L. Walp IT97K-499-35 genome v1.2 assembly files are available in FASTA format.


Chromosomes and scaffolds (FASTA file) Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2.fasta.gz
Chromosomes and scaffolds (softmasked FASTA file) Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2.softmasked.fasta.gz
Chromosomes and scaffolds (hardmasked FASTA file) Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2.hardmasked.fasta.gz
Gene Prediction

The Vigna unguiculata L. Walp IT97K-499-35 genome v1.2 gene prediction files are available in GFF3 and FASTA format.


Protein sequences  (FASTA file) Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2.protein.fasta.gz
CDS  (FASTA file) Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2.cds.fasta.gz
CDS  (FASTA file) Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2.transcript.fasta.gz
Genes (GFF3 file) Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2.gene.gff3.gz

Homology of the Vigna unguiculata L. Walp IT97K-499-35 genome v1.2 proteins was determined by pairwise sequence comparison using the blastp algorithm against various protein databases. An expectation value cutoff less than 1e-6  for the Arabidoposis proteins (Araport11, 2022-09), UniProtKB/SwissProt (Release 2024-03), and UniProtKB/TrEMBL (Release 2024-03) databases. The best hit reports are available for download in Excel format. 

Protein Homologs

V. angularis L. Walp IT97K-499-35 genome v1.2 proteins with arabidopsis (Araport11) homologs (EXCEL file) Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2_vs_tair.xlsx.gz
V. angularis L. Walp IT97K-499-35 genome v1.2 proteins with arabidopsis (Araport11) (FASTA file) Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2_vs_tair_hit.fasta.gz
V. angularis L. Walp IT97K-499-35 genome v1.2 proteins without arabidopsis (Araport11) (FASTA file) Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2_vs_tair_noHit.fasta.gz
V. angularis L. Walp IT97K-499-35 genome v1.2 proteins with SwissProt homologs (EXCEL file) Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2_vs_swissprot.xlsx.gz
V. angularis L. Walp IT97K-499-35 genome v1.2 proteins with SwissProt (FASTA file) Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2_vs_swissprot_hit.fasta.gz
V. angularis L. Walp IT97K-499-35 genome v1.2 proteins without SwissProt (FASTA file) Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2_vs_swissprot_noHit.fasta.gz
V. angularis L. Walp IT97K-499-35 genome v1.2 proteins with TrEMBL homologs (EXCEL file) Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2_vs_trembl.xlsx.gz
V. angularis L. Walp IT97K-499-35 genome v1.2 proteins with TrEMBL (FASTA file) Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2_vs_trembl_hit.fasta.gz
V. angularis L. Walp IT97K-499-35 genome v1.2 proteins without TrEMBL (FASTA file) Vu_IT97K-499-35_v1.2_vs_trembl_noHit.fasta.gz