Assessment of ICCV 2 x JG 62 chickpea progenies shows sensitivity of reproduction to salt stress and reveals QTLs for seed yield and yield components

Publication Overview
TitleAssessment of ICCV 2 x JG 62 chickpea progenies shows sensitivity of reproduction to salt stress and reveals QTLs for seed yield and yield components
AuthorsVadez V, Krishnamurthy L, Thudi M, Anuradha C, Colmer TD, Turner NC, Siddique KHM, Gaur PM, Varshney RK.
TypeJournal Article
Journal NameMolecular Breeding
CitationVadez V, Krishnamurthy L, Thudi M, Anuradha C, Colmer TD, Turner NC, Siddique KHM, Gaur PM, Varshney RK. Assessment of ICCV 2 x JG 62 chickpea progenies shows sensitivity of reproduction to salt stress and reveals QTLs for seed yield and yield components. Molecular Breeding 2012 30(1):9-21.


 Salinity is a complex abiotic stress and understanding the physiological and genetic basis of salinity tolerance is a prerequisite for improving existing crop cultivars. Experiments were undertaken using 126 recombinant inbred lines from a cross between JG 62 (tolerant) and ICCV 2 (sensitive) to characterize traits related to seed yield differences under saline conditions and to map quantitative trait loci (QTL). The population segregated for flowering time and entries were separated into ‘early’ and ‘late’ phenology groups to undertake the analysis. In both groups seed yield varied under salinity, with 4 seed number being the most closely related trait to yield. In contrast, seed yield was not related to 100-seed weight or flowering time. Shoot dry weight was positively correlated with seed yield in the early entries only, but had no significant relationship with seed number. The higher sensitivity to salinity of the early entries was related both to a smaller biomass and lesser seed number under saline conditions. A QTL for seed yield under saline conditions was found in linkage group 3 in the late group, and a cluster of QTLs for seed yield components in linkage group 6, including a QTL for seed number which explained 37% of the variation. In contrast, no QTL for seed yield was found in the early group, but a QTL for seed number under saline conditions was found. These data indicate that salinity tolerance traits are linked to the degree of earliness in chickpea. Tolerance is determined by the success of reproductive sites in both early and late entries, which relates in part to constitutive traits, and by the capacity of maintaining growth in earlyflowering lines only. This is the first report of QTLs for seed yield and seed number in chickpea exposed to salinity.

This publication contains information about 119 features:
Feature NameUniquenameType
Stem dry weightqSHWT.ICCV2xJG62.LG1.7ESQTL
Stem dry weightqSHWT.ICCV2xJG62.LG3.7LCQTL
Stem dry weightqSHWT.ICCV2xJG62.LG4.5ASQTL
Stem dry weightqSHWT.ICCV2xJG62.LG5.7ASQTL
Stem dry weightqSHWT.ICCV2xJG62.LG5.7LSQTL
Seed number per plantqSDPL.ICCV2xJG62.LG4.5LCQTL
Seed number per plantqSDPL.ICCV2xJG62.LG6.5ASQTL
Seed number per plantqSDPL.ICCV2xJG62.LG6.5LCQTL
Seed number per plantqSDPL.ICCV2xJG62.LG6.5LSQTL
Seed number per plantqSDPL.ICCV2xJG62.LG6.7ACQTL
Seed number per plantqSDPL.ICCV2xJG62.LG6.7ASQTL
Seed number per plantqSDPL.ICCV2xJG62.LG6.7ECQTL
Seed number per plantqSDPL.ICCV2xJG62.LG6.7LCQTL
Seed number per plantqSDPL.ICCV2xJG62.LG6.7LSQTL
Seed number per plantqSDPL.ICCV2xJG62.LG7.7ESQTL
Seed yield per plantqSYPL.ICCV2xJG62.LG3.5LCQTL
Seed yield per plantqSYPL.ICCV2xJG62.LG3.7LCQTL
Seed yield per plantqSYPL.ICCV2xJG62.LG3.7LSQTL
Relative yieldqRY.ICCV2xJG62.LG6.7LCQTL


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