Vigna radiata cv. VC1973A genome v6.0

Genome Overview
Analysis NameVigna radiata cv. VC1973A genome v6.0
MethodIllumina, GS FLX+ (Assembly with ALLPATHS-LG, Newbler 2.5.3)
SourceNCBI GCA_000741045.2
Date performed2023-06-13

The genome was sequenced and assembled as outlined in Kang YJ, Kim SK, Kim MY, Lestari P, Kim KH, Ha BK, Jun TH, Hwang WJ, Lee T, Lee J, Shim S, Yoon MY, Jang YE, Han KS, Taeprayoon P, Yoon N, Somta P, Tanya P, Kim KS, Gwag JG, Moon JK, Lee YH, Park BS, Bombarely A, Doyle JJ, Jackson SA, Schafleitner R, Srinives P, Varshney RK, Lee SH. Genome sequence of mungbean and insights into evolution within Vigna species. Nature communications. 2014 Nov 11; 5:5443.

About the assembly:

Number of scaffolds 2,499
Total size  464 Mb
N50 25,360,630 bp
Assembly BUSCO score (embryophyta_odb10) 98.2%
Annotation BUSCO score (embryophyta_odb10) 99.3%

The Vigna radiata VC1973A genome v1.0 assembly file is available in FASTA format.


Chromosomes and scaffolds (FASTA file) Vr_VC1973A_v1.0.fasta.gz


Gene Prediction
Gene Prediction: 

The Vigna radiata VC1973A v1.0 genome gene prediction files are available in GFF3 and FASTA format.


Protein sequences  (FASTA file) Vr_VC1973A_v1.0.proteins.fasta.gz
CDS  (FASTA file) Vr_VC1973A_v1.0.cds.fasta.gz
Genes (GFF3 file) Vr_VC1973A_v1.0.genes.gff3.gz